It’s no secret that if you live in the Northwest, your roof gets pounded like perhaps no other area in the lower 48. With the exception of mid-July through Mid-September, you can count on your roof getting rained on just about once a week. Winter rainstorms (and the occasional snow storm) can wreak havoc on even the best-maintained roof and gutters. Below are five ways we believe will help keep your roof in top-shape for years to come:
1) Keep an eye on your shingles
No matter your type of roof, keep an eye on your shingles. If you notice that your shingles are worn or damaged, call a roofing company right away to get it repaired. Whatever investment you’ll make in fixing a damaged roof is minimal in relation to the cost of fixing water damage in your home. If you notice dirt, moss, or algae collecting on your roof, you should contact us to schedule a free consultation to get your roof professionally cleaned. The collection of dirt and moss on your roof leads to water saturation, and eventually water damage.
2) Clean your gutters!
You can prevent a lot of frustration and cost by keeping your gutters clean. A backup of debris in your gutters can result in water backing up as well, making its way under your shingles. Once water gets under your shingles and lingers, it’s game over. The next step is water damage, which are two words you never want to hear.
3) Check for leaks in your roof
Speaking of water damage, it’s really easy for even the most novice of homeowners to check for leaks in your roof. On the outside, any damaged shingles or parts of your roof are a red flag for potential water damage. Inside (in your attic), look for signs of damage. Water stains in the plywood of your attic is a sure sign for water damage.
4) Keep your roof free from large branches
Trim branches that overhang on your roof. Branches provide your roof shade. Shade + moisture (the Northwest) equals moss growth. And moss growth leads to water damage. Keeping your roof free from branches and other obstructions is a great way to prevent damage.
5) Have your moss/algae/grime professionally removed and annually-maintained
If you have a moss problem on your roof, give us a call or email us for a free consultation and estimate to have your roof professionally cleaned in an environmentally-friendly manner. After that, schedule an appointment with us for simple, low-impact annual maintenance. You’ll extend your roof’s lifetime and likely save a lot of money over time!